

1. 上周的考試,大家都考得很好,有八個小朋友們拿滿分, 希望大家繼續努力

(Congratulation! Everyone was doing a great job from the test last week. There are 8 students get score 100. )


2. 上周有家長老師座談,謝謝各位家長在很短的通知時間仍能踴躍參加,從收回來的意見調查中,結納出家長們認為聽懂中文、說話、認字、閱讀、書寫、中國藝術為教學的重點。大部分家長們認為作業份量適中,考試應該2-3次。

Thanks for coming to the Parents-Teacher meeting last week. The rapid response for the survey is very helpful for guiding the future design of curriculum. According to the returned survey, most parents consider that the need of learning should follow the sequence of importance as understanding Chinese spoken language, speaking, recognizing Chinese characters, reading, grammar and Chinese art. The amount of the homework is suitable for most of the students. Quiz should be given between 2-3 times per semester.



本周作業 (Homework for this week):


1. 唸第三和第四課課文 (Read Lesson 3and 4)

2. 華語作業簿 B 第四課 (Write Homework A lesson 3)

3. 唸老師上幾個星期發下的快樂童謠給爸爸媽媽聽

(Read the supplementary material - rhythm : Happy to your parents.)

4. 準備演講比賽 (Prepare a speech)


石鴻珍 老師上 10/08/00

Mrs. Rosa Yeh